Better Driving - Stop Speeding CD


Better Driving - Stop Speeding CD

Subliminal CD - 60-70 minutes,


Are you the proverbial accident on its way to happen? Chronically late? Road rage? Relax. Hang up the phone. Enjoy the drive, pay attention and stop being in such a rush. What can you save by all the stress, a few minutes, maybe? Our subliminal Cd is intended to help you manage your behavior. Being always in rush has something to do with time management too. Your life is a very important gift which can not be replaced. Being anxious all the time can lead to speeding. Some people day dream and act unconsciously. Our subliminal can help you increase confidence, become calm while driving. Pay attention to the road and remember- you will arrive to your destination no matter what. There was a study done that showed that people that speed on the road gain an average 3 minutes at 50 miles, and constant speed increases chances to arrive at destination faster. Try our subliminal, it might not change you totally but might put a brake to your speed.

Sample Affirmations :

I am in control of my car. I prefer to drive at the speed limit. I plan in advance when I need to go on the road. I enjoy driving. I pay attention to other drivers. I keep my cool if another driver cuts in front of me. I always keep a safe distance between myself and other cars. I respect the rules of the road. I avoid talking on phone while I am driving. Driving is pleasurable. I enjoy my quiet time in the car. I am a calm and confident driver. I am aware while driving. I am in control of my car. I know the width of my car. I am good at judging distance. I am good at judging speed. I try to stay in one lane when possible.

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Music Subliminal CDs includes minimum 2 tracks with music and one track approximately 10-12 minutes Silent subliminal (bonus).

CDs with Nature Sound
includes one track Nature and Subliminal between 50-60 minutes and one track Silent subliminal 10-12 minutes.

CDs completely Silent
have one track between 58 minutes and 70 minutes.

CD with Music
: The affirmations and suggestions are "buried" in the Music and Ocean Waves Sound; all you hear is The Music and Ocean Waves. Final Track Silent, can be used anywhere. There is not sound to be heard by conscious mind.

CD with Nature Sound: The affirmations and suggestions are "buried" in the Ocean Waves Sound; all you hear is The Ocean Waves and the Nature Sound. Final Track Silent, can be used anywhere. There is not sound to be heard by conscious mind.

CD Silent: One single track with subliminal and without music or Ocean Waves.

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